deborah castillo 






I’m a Mexico City-based multidisciplinary artist, interested in exploring the relationships between power and the body. Having left Venezuela, my country of origin, my practice has been deeply marked by migration and displacement. I employ different mediums, incorporating performance, video, photography, sculpture, and installation in order to dissect the grand idea of power, its structures, and its weight on sexuality, social expectations, desire, identity, and the construction of contemporary myths. Via a method of play and extensive experimentation, I facilitate a space of discovery within constructed contexts, inviting the audience to assemble their own meanings. 

Relationships between power and the body. Having left Venezuela, my country of origin, my practice has been deeply marked by migration and displacement. I employ different mediums, incorporating performance, video, photography, sculpture, and installation in order to dissect the grand idea of power, its structures, and its weight on sexuality, social expectations, desire, identity, and the construction of contemporary myths. Via a method of play and extensive experimentation, I facilitate a space of discovery within constructed contexts, inviting the audience to assemble their own meanings. 



2000-2003 – Experimental Photography I & II, Nelson Garrido Organization, Caracas, Venezuela

1997-2003 – MFA/BFA – Armando Reverón Higher Education School of Fine Arts




2024 - TZOMPANTLI, InSURrecciones, Museo de Arte Moderno, CDMX, MX

2024 - Marx Palimpsest II, Vernacular Institute, CDMX, MX

2023 – Demofagia, Ex-Convento del Carmen, Guadalajara, Mx

2022 – Espectros del Discurso, Galeria Carmen Araujo, Caracas, VZLA 

2022 – Desafiando al Coloso: tres actos, Museo del Chopo,, CDMX, MX 

2022 – Bordes Profundos, VOL V, feria MACO y MATERIAL, CDMX, Mx

2020 – Gendering Protest, Center for Women in the Arts and Humanities, Rutgers University, NJ

2019-  Marx Palimpsest, Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, NYU, NY, USA

2018 – Parricidios, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico

2017 – Slapping Power, +/- Project Space, Soho20 Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA

2016 – Political Iconoclasm and other forms of civil disobedience, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 2016 – Marx Palimpsest, Carmen Araujo Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela

2015 – RAW, Mandragoras Art Space, New York City, USA

2013 – Action and Cult, Bolivian Biennial SIART 2013, Fine Arts Academy, La Paz, Bolivia

2013 – Action and Cult, Chacao Cultural Center, La Caja, Caracas, Venezuela



2023 – Salome, Franklyn Furnace Fund  commission piece, Washington Sq Park, NYC, USA 

2023 – Presentación performática del libro: Cuerpo de obra.Ex-Convento del Carmen y Museo del Chopo, Mx 

2019 – Estrategias Sublevantes, Espacio Arte Actual FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador.

2019 – Moving Statues, Museo Nacional de Escultura , Valladolid, España

2019 – El beso Fraternal, Encuentro Hemispheric Institute, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, CDMX,Mx 

2019 – Lamezuela/Lamebrasil , MITsp, 6a Muestra internacional de teatro de Sao Paulo, Brazil 2018 - Marx Palimpsest, Hemispheric Institute and Politics, NYU, New York

2018 – The Broad “New Latinx Feminist Performance Series”, The Broad, Los Angeles, CA

2018 – Video SUR, Latin American video selection, Palais de Tokio, Paris, France

2018 – Callar la Protesta/Borramientos del poder, La Fortaleza, Mexico City, MX

2017 – Desplazamientos, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro Historico, Mexico City, MX 2016 – Fall Benefit, SOHO20 Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, USA

2016 – BLACKBURN 20|20 Gallery & El Museo den Barrio, Manhattan, New York City, USA 2015 – Feminist Arte III”, Centro Cibeles, Madrid, Spain and La Paz, Bolivia

2014 – New Territories, Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), New York City , USA

2013 – XII Eugenio Mendoza Award, Sala Mendoza, Special Guest, Caracas, Venezuela

2009 – Re-creating/reinventing stories,Museum Rufino Tamayo, México, DF & New Museum, NYC,USA

2007 –London in Six Easy Steps, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), Project by Pablo Leon de La Barra, London 2003 – XI Eugenio Mendoza Award, Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela



2024 -  Casa Roga, CDMX, MX

2015 – The Banff Center. Artist in Residence Program in Visual Arts, Alberta, Canada 

2014 – Atlantic Center for the Arts #151, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA

2007 – London Print Studio, London, UK



2019-2020 – Franklyn Furnace Fund : Past, Present, and Future V award, NYC.

2015 – NYFA (New York Foundation for the Arts) Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program, NYC.

2013 – Armando Reverón Award: Venezuelan Association of Fine Artists (AVAP): “Young artist”, Caracas,Venezuela 2003 – XI Eugenio Mendoza Award. Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela

2003 – Second Award. VI Salón CANTV jóvenes con FIA, Ateneo, Caracas, Venezuela



2022  – Gatopardo Magazine #223, Invierno 2022, Pages 9-10-11, Mexico 

2022  – Contemporary Art of Venezuela, VOL 2.Villanueva Editores, Pages 64-67.Madrid, Es 

2022  – Time Out Mexico,

2014 – New Territories, Lab for Design, Craft and Art in Latin America, Pages 122-123 MAD Museum, NYC, USA

2014 – Panoramica Arte Emergente en Venezuela 2000-2012 by Félix Suazo, Fundación Telefonica, Venezuela

2013 – Deborah Castillo, by Susana Benko, Artnexus. Pages 105-106, N° 90, volume 12, Venezuela

2013 –Deborah Castillo, Interview, by Ana Maria Khan, Complot magazine, N° 123, pages 48-51, Venezuela

2013 – Déborah Castillo – Action and Cult” OJO magazine, N° 19, pages 32,33, 34, 35, Venezuela

2006 – Pulgar Magazine by Gabriela Salgado, N° 21, Venezuela

2005 – Deborah Castillo” by Jaime Gili, Lapiz International Art Magazine, N° 216, page 84, Venezuela 


2021 - Crafting Nationness: DIY Venezuela in Deborah Castillo’s RAW and Violette Bule’s REQUIEM200, Latin American Research Review, Cambridge University Press

2019 – Deborah Castillo: Radical Desobidence, edited by HemiPress

2013 - Lucidity is a Torment: A Conversation With Deborah Castillo, Backroom Caracas